Philosophers whats the purpose to life

Is there a purpose to life ?


I think life has the purpose you give it.


I think the purpose of life is to enjoy life as much as possible and to have the best life you possibly can.


Pablo Picasso Quote: “The meaning of life is to find your gift. The purpose  of life

When I was younger like 12 years ago, I was quite sure that the meaning of life was to have children. But I don’t believe in that anymore. At least not that it is the meaning for everybody.


I think the purpose of life is to become the best person you can be. I’m not sure if I succeed or fail at this, but I do try


To find order and meaning to the absurdity of this realm.

To find a peace with your soul and a love of your true, best self.

Reach for the star’s and become the demigods bards will sing of.



Practically speaking i think one of the purposes of life is to make more life. If we stop making more life, then life won’t exist. If life doesn’t exist it can’t have a purpose.

As for the meaning of life, I am not to sure about that, I think about it sometimes but haven’t come to any conclusions.


According to Freud the meaning and purpose of life was to love and to work. I could go along with that. I also believe, like Ms. Flowerpot, that life substantially has the purpose you give it. I also believe in the possibility of redemption. You can always redeem yourself from going astray.


The purpose of life is the purpose of life

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love yourself is the purpose

Clearly for many people the purpose of life is to find the purpose of life. Luckily for me, I’m not one of them.

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Thomas Hobbes would say that life is nasty, brutish, and short, and that the only purpose of an individual is to serve their sovereign unquestioningly


Lol yes my queen! :raised_hands::raised_hands::raised_hands:

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To grow and reproduce

To gain fulfillment, and to accept whatever comes your way…to try in life…and to have fun.

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The meaning of life is life itself.


There is no purpose in my life. However, I think that the first of our purpose is to survive this world and reproduce.

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