Anyone else feel robbed of their personality by this illness? I used to be so funny and engaging with people. What can I do to get it back?
Cross your fingers, take your meds, and hope for the best!
Amen brother 3737373
ya meds change people quite a bit
I miss my old self but stability is valuable too you know…
I feel ya. I’m a shell of the person I used to be.
I’ve a tually found that this can be caused by fear of your diagnoses or being embarrassed by it and worrying that other people will find out. Being ashamed basically… start off slow, try one social interaction a day, start building it back up slowly. Also fully embrace all of yourself, the good and bad. You will get there ️
You’re a pretty great shell, you know.
Aww. You’re too kind.
I was born sz so my personality never got altered by it but over time I think I’ve developed a more well rounded self… even with my alters coming into existence. But they’ve got a whole bunch of different personalities
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