Your personality is?

ok so i was going to ask everybody what sort of personality they have which i know is a very hard question but i am going to try and answer best i can lol, i am going to treat it like one of those dating profiles like if i was trying to sell myself to someone lol so here goes…

i cant tell people my real name on here because i am too scared of what might happen and i havent told anybody about this site except my friend sweep, i would get paranoid if anyone else knew unless i really trusted them but i have been thinking about telling my sister altho she wouldnt come on much i dont think unless i was really unwell and she wanted to check up on me,

i think i am a very complicated individual who is trying to make sense of himself, i was a very nice young boy when i was small and i got into trouble a lot but then i got sz and that kinda broke me as a person for a long time, now i am back on my feet and on a good med i have been getting back to my old self like i was always like my dad and everybody tells me i am a lot like him bc i have a good sense of humour and i am smart and to the point, i love it when people say i am like my dad.

i have only been able to explore my personality and come out of my shell since i had a med change and things started getting better for me, since then things have been getting better and better, i have made new friends at college and done more for myself like living independently and generally being more happy and carefree, i have a problem with anxiety that i am working on tho and hopefully it will improve as time goes on, i get tense in certain areas of my body but i can still relax when i have too.

no symptoms to write home about except some moods swings now and then but keeping a handle on it, i can be very high in the morning and low at night sometimes as well lately.

but thats enough about me what about you? good points/bad points its ok,


Interesting question. I’ve always been introverted but do well socially. I just need to recharge by myself everyday. I have a lot of love for other people because I’ve been shown a lot of love. I help people whenever I can and tend to put other people before myself. I’m still struggling to love myself but it has gotten better over the years. After starting ECT 2 years ago I finally feel like I am becoming my true self. I am intelligent and currently have a 3.97 GPA. When there is something I don’t understand I research it until I feel like I have a grasp on it. I am also very book smart and get frustrated when I feel like I am not getting the answer I am looking for. I am a Buddhist but do believe in God and the angels. In Buddhism we call the protective forces shoten zengin and it’s the same idea as angels. I’ve been tight with God since I was a teenager when I found Christianity. Christianity wasn’t the right fit for me. My faith means a lot to me. It’s a big part of my life. I’m learning how to be a medium and recently did a reading for my aunt’s partner. It always amazes me when the person says I’m right on the money. I also read tarot cards and can see auras. My mom is my best friend and soul mate. She’s also my biggest advocate. It’s because of her that I am still alive. :sunny:


i am very black and white.
i am reclusive and kind but…i am a sith lord so wars and mayhem are part of the job description.
take care


I’m a Melancholy/Phlegmatic, so introverted, sensitive, intellectual, aesthetic, moody and dependable. Also like Darksith, I am black and white.


My strength is:healthy physically,work hard,sometimes patient
My weakness:bad mental health,get anxious easily and feel sleepy and tired

My personality:introvert,speak little and don’t really enjoy social

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I am reticent. I miss out because I am poor at engaging with others. Avoidance is my nature. I have a personality disorder called “avoidant personality disorder”. I do this without thinking. I like to think I am creative. I have won awards for my writing. I have aspirations to write things that will stay on the shelves. I am 55 years old, and I am starting to evaluate my life. It might seem short on accomplishment, but there are times when I think I have done a lot of good. I am quirky to say the least. That makes it hard for others to get to know me, but there are people who will make the effort. I’ve never married or had kids.


i dont think sz is part of our personality but i think it affects our personalities in a bad way so anyone that says that we lose our personalities when we get sz is wrong, it is still there even tho the sz and the meds are having an affect on it, what we learn while we grow will never go away, it will always be there.

When I was little, I was the hyper active class clown. I wasn’t really a leader or a follower. I was the comic relief. (I’d like to think I was) But then when I started getting worse and falling apart I became very introverted. But my family is very kind and I’ve been shown a lot of kindness in life so when I wasn’t really full onset or psychosis, I did try to be nice. Didn’t always make it.

A lot of the caregiver books that I’ve read all say that they can see the personality of their loved one under the layer of Sz every once in a while. So I don’t think I lost my personality. I think SZ buried it, covered it in wax.


i guess what we need to do is light a candle then and melt all that wax away, i am sure there is a way to break through the barriers of sz and medication, i have been doing it on a low dose of a good med, my personality which i thought was hidden has broken through the mould, no more flat effect or paranoia or delusions to torment me, i think our personality is still there because if mine can come back then i dont see why others cant come back either with the right kind of treatment i believe anything is possible, you just have to believe.


I am mildly introverted, calm, optimistic, thoughtful person. But I am not very sensitive. The Buddhist practice has left me with a lot of attributes that is related to peace and courage.

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I like to think I’m a kindhearted person.Yet I’m very shy and reclusive. It is hard to break through my walls. There is so much stuff I try to hide from the world, I try to appear normal because of all the negative views on Schizophrenia. I work very hard at not talking to myself in public, or reacting to things I can’t tell if they’re in my head or not. And because of my quietness people may think I’m a bit cold. People also see me as more of a naive person. Perhaps I am, but is that really a bad thing?

I’m very introverted, very sensitive, and a bit of a perfectionist. I can be very sarcastic at times with most of my negative energy pointing towards myself rather than others. I’m a bit possessive and though I hate people looking at me all the time I crave to be the center of attention…bit ironic isn’t it? It’s all about me. Me. Me. But truthfully without me thinking about myself who else is there to worry about what’s going on in my life? Why would they care if I don’t push myself out there? But don’t get too close, too close and I start to panic and back away. I guess I’m a bit of an enigma.

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