Personal Independence Payments Review Times?

Does anyone know how long a PIP review takes? I don’t understand which one is right, some google estimates said 6 weeks others say other numbers

I am on PIP. I cannot answer your question.


Don’t know how long I will be on it as it is Labours policy to cut benefits within weeks after the 30 October budget.

Guess we will have to start looking for work sooner or later…

Sorry for bringing this rather gloomy news.


Took them 6 months to do mine

More concerned about them stopping cash payments

I rely heavily on it to change my living situation and unless the vouchers are going to pay my bills it will screw me over

Knew I should have stayed put

If this happens I will not be able to sustain the amount of money it costs for my home

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Mine took months as they were running behind. In the end someone from the PIP assessment centre phoned me, asked me a couple of questions and I was awarded it.

I didn’t even have to attend the assessment.

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Hopefully not @anon93189286

Man, I don’t know how I’ll afford gas and electricity if they cut PIP or change it into vouchers too. Initially I thought it didn’t matter but it will be degrading; such a stressful situation - you’d think austerity was off the table.

This is one of those really frustrating threads. There’s so much I’d like to say, and yet can’t say.

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Sometimes they float ideas in the media to see public reactions, im hoping the voucher thing is one ? @Joker @MisterApple @firemonkey

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I hope your right!

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The way Starmer is steam rolling ahead I can’t see them being sympathetic to those with even
severe mental illnesses.

Look at all those gifts he took and back tracked!

It is with great anxiety I will I have to look for work.

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I try not to overly worry about this because i couldn’t work, i can’t control this situation im sick

My partner had his review. They are very back logged and it took them a year. You still get PIP in the meantime.

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I would write to your local MP and explain your condition and how it’s causing you a lot of stress. I was waiting about 3-4 months but I wrote to mine and got an answer and got it renewed this way.

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