What did you do to beat it? Thanks.
I have gotten this many times over the years and my husband talks me through it.
Im still fighting
What does he say to you?
I’ve stopped thinking so highly of myself.
No man is interesting or important enough to be at the center of a truman show.
I’m not sure if i ever beat it. I just figured that they got bored of me and moved on.
He helps me see that I am repeating this thought again and again in my head.
He speaks to me very calmly and says things like "That can’t be true. You are tired. Go to bed. See how you feel in the morning. You believed this last month and realized the next day it is not true. Can you understand that you are repeating this thought over and over and there is never any evidence that it is real "
I think with a solid sleep routine, good diet and some exercise you can beat lots of mental disorders.
Assuming too much makes a mountain out of hill.
What do you mean by that?
That means when you can do this than you can do this, but hang on, it doesn’t mean at all. You are just assuming.
My partner says similar things to me. I had a delusional episode the other day and nearly got in my car and left but he told me I had no evidence to be mad at him and it pulled me out of it
That is so good that you, too, have a partner that can calm you down when you get paranoid and delusional. It makes such a difference in our recovery.
Especially when if you’re like my your PTSD feeds into psychosis stuff. I was in a PTSD episode when that happened and wanted to run away from the situation
Yeah, PTSD is going to add another layer to the situation.
Another thing I just thought of, is that if we have a high level of trust already with our partner or family members or our care team, it may be easier to trust them enough to allow them to gently talk us out of acting on our delusional thinking - at least for a few hours.
Thats been my experience too. I dont have a partner anymore but my family and mental health team can sometimes talk me down. Now that ita summer many people are driving sports cars and motorcycles. I live right buy a busy street so it feels like they are intentionally reving their engines as they pass my house. I was absolutely certain it was some form of social Ostracism but my therapist help me realize most of them are just people with loud cars. Sad thi g is it feels soo real and i can rarly tell the differences on my own…
I get the same thing with loud engines. My therapist told me, “Yea, loud engines do something to my head, too.”
Thats exactly what my therapist said!!! She said its hard for it not to feel personal.
That makes sense