How many people here suffer from the Truman Show delusion?

  • Yes
  • No

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Didnā€™t have it even during severe psychosis

My delusions were kinda like that in that I got a whole paranoid fantasy about our version of the CIA going. I donā€™t think itā€™s too uncommon and it amazes me how familiar our stories are.

For me I had bad ideas of reference so my delusions fed all that so Iā€™m not saying totally yes but it kinda was in some respects. You need to add a neutral. Iā€™d vote there.


If thatā€™s where you think you are being monitored and broadcasted on TV or they talk to you over the TV, then yes I have that delusion. I watch little TV because of it. For some reason they donā€™t talk about me over the radio though, so I listen to it a lot.

My conspiracy delusions involved the companies I worked for and the people I worked with. I never had the Truman delusion though.

I do have it.
On and off for many years

I would get messages through the news on tv and crossword puzzles. Other stuff too but Iā€™m not sure if my life is being watched by others as far as like a tv show? People would probably get bored watching my life and turn the channelā€¦it would be cancelled due to poor ratings.

I just googled ā€œTruman Show delusionā€ to see what it is. I donā€™t think Iā€™m the star of my own reality TV show. Some creep or organization has put cameras in my apartment and are watching me. Everyone seems to know about it except for me.

I didnā€™t have Truman show delusion but thought people where watching me through cameras and microphones planted in my apartment and on my clothes.

I still have it. I cant resist synchronization. Artificial intelligence is everywhere. From smartphones to apps. But ive overcome it.

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You need to talk to your doctor and maybe up your meds or get on different medication

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There was two movie about that.

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Thanks, Iā€™m not experiencing that right now. Thatā€™s what happens when I donā€™t take my meds. I looked at the old pill bottle I have been using and they are 15mg. When I got the new bottle last week I see that itā€™s for 20mg, so thatā€™s what the problem was. I didnā€™t realize I was supposed to be taking 20mg. I called pharmacy, and they told that was the last prescription my pdoc sent in. My mistake.

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I had it for several years befor I was diagnosed as Schizoaffective.

I was backpacking home to see my stedad who the voices told me had a heart attack, and a kind stranger bought me a train ticket. Truman show was playing on the train and I remember thinking ā€œmy god, thatā€™s EXACTLY what Iā€™m going throughā€.

I made it home and my stepdad was recovering well, the voices were right about something.

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Thatā€™s true with me as well. It was several years before I was officially diagnosed with SZA.

Iā€™ve never had that. My delusions were that people were doing bad things to me. There was also the supernatural and paranormal in my delusions. That was before I was medicated. No Truman Show delusions.

Never saw the film but if itā€™s where you think your life is a stage and everyone else is acting and in on it then yes I had that. Quite badly.

Simulation delusion

But only when Iā€™m in psychosis with no sleep for a week or so

Itā€™s a strange feeling; walking around town and observing people; believing they are not sentient/awake/alive, and itā€™s just me

The other version of the delusion was when I thought everyone was a hive mind, and a parasitical Universe had assimilated my own. I thought originally, I was all life in my Universe, until ā€˜Itā€™ came and assimilated everything. I felt trapped. Terrifying.

Ive had it to the extent where I thought that everybody was watching me and that I had gained some level if noteriety because of it.

Definitely in the past. Now I feel like the World has passed me by.