People who treat you different

I notice this happening to me lately again.


I sense it sometimes too. It feel like they are afraid of upsetting me even when I get more upset of them feeling that way.

That’s hard. With me it’s more of being ignored and being the victim of vengeance. It’s usually with girls that the being ignored part comes in so I’m considering stopping going to YAP. (young adult program)

I’m sorry about that :frowning: , I wouldn’t ignore you :blush: .

I do hate that feeling. Its like “Hello! I’m a person over here.” I have some classes like that. YAP is a form of schooling right? I wouldn’t quit it just yet.

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No it’s just a group of young adults who come together to do stuff.

Hmmm, I see your point now. Maybe switch to another group? I don’t know if that is possible D:
Have you tried to converse with them?

Yes I have. They will be in the middle of talking without me already, even though I’m there, and I try to give a word and they just smile and stare at me. Another time I tried to say something the other person kept talking over me to the other girl. There are more times than these where I’ve been socially excluded from the group. It’s almost always been like this in my life.

Yeah i notice that alot too. Sometimes it’s like they’re ignoring me, sometimes its like they don’t know how to talk to me so they avoid it. I wish they would just treat my like a regular freaking person sometimes. Most the time it wouldn’t be so awkward if people would just give me half a chance. It’s hard to have fun and act normal when people are expecting otherwise.

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That is very very rude. You deserve better. Maybe they aren’t the right people


Yeah that’s why I’m considering quitting.

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