I’m not so very sure if I’m the one to advice you on diplomacy. But if you like the group, I guess you have to tone down a bit. I asked my social worker to help me with strategical communication. Perhaps you can do something similar…give your nurse/social worker/therapist/best friend a few concrete examples…and ask them for feedback on how to say things in a more diplomatic way. Again: it’s not my forte. But maybe it helps you.
Thanks! Unfortunately my friends are not into this stuff, I don’t believe in psychologists and with my pdoc we only talk about meds and more relevant things.
Hm. I hate that. I would forever want to put it straight. My mind has this sort of alarm for things that are illogical or unjust or twisted (also when I do them, I hate that too). I still remember my kindergarten teacher trying to punish me, together with three friends. I did something much less bad, but she twisted things, and I got the same punishment. I refused to get off my chair to get punished. I was 4 and she 30-ish. She asked, demanded, screamed, had a temper tantrum. And I sat silently and did nothing, because it was not logically correct. I remember to this day.
I’m not sure if I’m the right person to advice you on this.
Also: I do think you should ignore the this-is-illogical-and-unjust-alarm, if that is your problem too. Sometimes this happens. Some people do not mind twisting things. Or do not notice. Apparently other people let it go then, and continue with the fun stuff.
In my experience, MTG nerds are extremely pedantic, argumentative, and condescending. But only when discussing MTG. Speaking as someone who married into a family that calls the WOTC rules hotline to curb arguments. And I am no better. And you are probably no better.
If you want to talk Magic, that goes with the experience.
I remember in sixth grade when I found a random lost notebook with a Shivan Dragon card being used as a bookmark. I beat my friend with that card so many times!