People hanging outside my window

They are swearing at me and talking I wish they would go away. One said she does nothing. Oh ok so you know my life ■■■■■■■. You know what I’ve gone through. Why can’t I go back to technical school then another feck all of it.

I just want to leave. If you can’t enjoy your life anymore why bother? What am I supposed to do?

I’d rather be in Austin state hospital and listen to the police. Your message in a bottle.

Seroquel was Lexapro best friend.

I really hope the haldol starts working or whatever your taking helps

Truthfully I think you might wanna consider going to a hospital if the haldol doesn’t work

I’ve been worried about you for a long time now

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I’m early on with haldol. I am hoping haldol helps. Today was bad. Thanks for your response. Hugs

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Just wondering if you have a PRN I think I speak almost for everyone who reads your post that your struggling and honestly your struggling more than I did off of meds I think

Idk if that’s :100: accurate but on meds definitely you are going through a lot the only medication that made me appear as paranoid as you seem was invega and risperidol

I believe if they find the right med combination you will become a lot happier

It takes time but I think your gonna get relief it’s just a matter of being honest with the doctor

@roxanna all I can say is I’ve had episodes that were very scary and I was at one time very sad but through meds and therapy my life is much better and I truly believe you can get through this

Just heard a guy say kill that hoe. Man sza ugh

your voices are telling you this…don’t act on what you hear.


Haldol made me worse for some reason.

@roxanna I hope something works for you. I also would hallucinate people outside of the window and around the house, even in the vents. They watched me and had many bad things to say like the one lady would scream at the top of her lungs saying she hates me. Or how I thought my neighbor was a serial killer and he would trap these people in his yard and not care if I could hear them because I’m the mentally ill one so no one would believe me, and the people I was trying to save weren’t nice anyway. So many wicked sexual comments that I can’t speak of, along with being called a sex addict (I’m not).

Another was “look at how she cleans, she’s going to give everyone covid” which really bothers me because I try hard to clean.


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