About many personal life. Oh now im a gay person because me and my bf don’t svcrew in frontbnof you mtherguvkers
Burn in hell.
About many personal life. Oh now im a gay person because me and my bf don’t svcrew in frontbnof you mtherguvkers
Burn in hell.
what happened @roxanna?
Worrying about nothing as usual.
did you adjust your meds?
Yep. Jut started. Good lord
If they can’t hear you ■■■■■■■ then you’re gay.
Know how that feels, had the same delusions
I hope you’ll get better @roxanna
who said that? do you have auditory hallucinations?
Yes I’m breaking things in my apr
maybe you need to go to the hospital.
I new a thorazine shot
How did they change your meds @roxanna?
Man, you got to get some help, you’ve been going through this same stuff for awhile.
You seem to be going through a lot of torment. I hope they can adjust your meds and get you some relief. Once you get stable you might see people are not out to get you.
Raised to 20mg at night might split to 10mg in day and 10mg at night.
Hopefully it helps @roxanna
I’ve had delusions about neighbors in my past and personality problems with neighbors. I know first-hand how exhausting and draining and maddening it is. It takes a lot out of you. I wish I had an answer on how to help you with this but all I can offer you is a little empathy.
I’m thinking people are talking about me behind my back and plotting against me. It’s very plausible, but is it probable?
Yeah, I can see that. When I moved into my last group home this past year my roommate warned me that the people already there were always trying to get one over on you. The people sat around out front a large part of the day doing this. My sisters just told me to ignore them but that advice suck in my craw and I chose to fight back. (not necessarily physically).
And they drove me a crazy but I managed to give back a little of the crap I had to take. I’m living in a nice apartment now with some dude my age who wants me to give up on defending my rights. But I’ve thwarted him a few times. To be honest, crap like what you are talking about @crimby plays a very small part in day to day living in general. Unless you’re in the ghetto or the very worst parts of town as you know.
But to be honest, sometimes I d sit in my room and kind of figure out how to get back at certain tormentors. And to be honest again, I sometimes do plot how I’m going to deal with someone or get even with someone. But that is 2% of actual life. I’m more worried about my health or what I’m going to do for supper or how much much my next oil change in my car is going to run me.
Here’s a cliche that is used so often that it makes me want to vomit. But it can be applicable…
“Just because you’re paranoid doesn’t mean they aren’t out to get you”.
I don’t want to feed into your paranoia but I just thought I would offer my experience and my two cents. Hell, everybody on here is a better survivor than me. I could learn so much from many of you.
Anyways, I forgot this is Christmas Eve and we should be concentrating more on Santa Claus, The Three Wise Men and Rudolph the red nose venison. Peace out, and i wish you well this fine day.
But remember, “A man is the sum total of all his thoughts and experiences”. Choose what you want to focus on carefully. And also remember this, “Watch out what you wish for, you just may get it.”
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