I was having a good day until

Until my neighbor came home. The ■■■■■■■ got off early just so he can listen to me. They accuse me of everything yet know nothing. ■■■■ my dude’s friend is over I’m sure I’ll be accused of ■■■■■■■ him. I hate them. I’d rather live in the woods.


From now on, please post this sort of thing in UB. That is where delusions go. This obsession with your neighbors is unhealthy. You really need to speak with your pdoc about adjusting your meds


I have with my pdoc. They won’t leave me alone.

When’s the last time you asked to up or change meds?

The neighbor delusion is strong and common. There’s no way in rwality that your beighbors are listening to tou, plotting murder, and then when you go out random people everywhere calling you names and yelling.

It’s the hallucinations. A stronger med may help.


You’ll be surprised. I’m pretty ugly and attract morons. He upped the effexor to 187 mg. Everything else he left alone. I see him on February 15th. I’m trying zombie. I hope you know it’s not easy. Rox

I don’t think you’re not trying. Not at all.

What I think is your pdoc is doing the bare minimum and leaving you in a bad state.


Neighbor delusions are kind of a tradition around here.

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I find most pdoc are crocks. Im pretty much stuck with this clinic. Come February I’ll figure something out.

I ve started wearing headphones in the evening.

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I also wish you wouldn’t call yourself ugly. That’s just more negativity from self hate. You deserve better.

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