Judgmental. There a guy named Mike who works at a store I hadn’t gone to since I started losing weight. I just saw him and he was saying I looked good. But then when my husband went to the store mike was saying to my husband how I should look good since he looks good. Like it’s my duty. That upsets me
Ew!!! That’s disgusting of him. Totally sexist, and totally offensive. He is an ass. He’s not worth you getting upset over. Your body is your business.
He doesn’t deserve to be called by his first name if you ask me.
Good you lost weight for your own sake and own health
But it’s no one else’s obligation
I’m sure your husband agrees or else he wouldn’t have told u
His way of saying “people are rude af, you need to know, but I’m on your side”
Hope you aren’t hurt too badly by this
Thanks @Pandy @Jonnybegood
Im sure it was hurtful to hear. Maybe it wad a blunder? its probably best you juat forgive and forger it, no use reminising over peoples mistakes
Why does she have to forgive? He hurt her. It’s obviously still bothering her, so maybe she needs to process it out first, before she can let it go. Body shaming is a big deal, especially if you’ve struggled with weight issues.
sorry that you had to hear that @LilyoftheValley
that was really mean =/
That is sexist and awful.
I hope you are not friends with this guy
We’re not friends except to say we shoot the breeze a little when we go to that store.
Thanks @lekkerhondje
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