There is totally a person in the woods near my house watching me. I see him move but can’t get a good view of him. At night I hear him walking around. And it scares the hell out of me!
I’ve heard the mentally ill should not try to live alone. Do you have any choice in the matter?
I don’t live alone. I live with my parents.
Have you mentioned the person to your parents?
In the past I have. My mom said it’s probably animals. But I saw his shadow and it was definitely man-shaped.
Maybe it’s just a Peeping Tom. God knows there are a lot of inhibited people in this world who can’t get their thrills in a normal way.
I don’t know… I feel like it’s the government but I’m not sure yet.
We’re so used to the government saying “Jump” and we only being able to answer “How high”. My only suggestion is that you meditate on the good things the government does for us and then you might build up some trust. good things like roads, libraries, welfare, medical insurance, post offices, and so on. Make up a list. You will soon realize that the government isn’t all bad.
One time I thought there were snipers off in the trees away from where I was living. Not too long after that I heard this really, really wild Indian war cry. It was about 3:00 am. I was coming off Prolixin, and I was getting one hell of a rebound effect from the chemicals in my brain.
Well it’s not meds… I just stopped taking my 100mg Seroquel but it was only 100mg so it can’t make a difference in anything.
■■■■ it I’m going to ask my psychiatrist to not only put me back on Seroquel but put me on 200mg! ■■■■ this ■■■■
The med’s can have very different effects on people. One med that will knock some people out for 20 hours might not have any effect on someone else. I wouldn’t rule out the med’s as a cause.
That must feel terrible to be convinced you’re being watched. I hope that no one is actually watching you and I hope you feel better very soon.
Sorry, that was me again, my bad.
I’m a time traveller and i can also come in and out of the physical form at will.
It’s how i am everywhere all of the time.
I didn’t mean to scare you i was just hanging out in the woods enjoying the foliage and looking at pine cones and ■■■■.