People are really struggling in the UK financially

over a million people are destitute which means they can’t afford basics such as food or heating. I know I’m incredibility fortunate that I have the lifestyle I do. I’m thankful for that. I don’t have a lot of monthly outgoings so I can save quite a bit off money per month.


From what i heard the Government said it might check claimants who have anything over the highest amount of saving, i think the limit is £16,000 but i’m not sure.

If you feel badly about the people here that have very little maybe there is a charity that you could support to help these people.


No its 6,000 before your benefits are reduced
The UK is a very hard working brutal place to live, the weather is shite and nobody has any money or most people don’t have any and taxes are high, cost of living is high and theres an increasing living on streets in tents or homeless etc its brutal


Yeah, i know that but i think the new thing they were talking about was that they will know if people exceed £16,000,

Idk how they will do this without access to someone’s bank account, at the moment they need to have evidence that someone has exceeded that threshold.

No-one could exceed that anyway unless they are working, so who knows. like it would take years to build up that much.


I could easily exceed that if I didn’t book and pay for my 3 vacations abroad a year. What makes my vacations double price is that I’m taking my support staff with me, but it’s worth it for the company.


are you serious bobbilly?? you take a staff on your vacays? I don’t believe you.

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Going to Dalaman area of Turkey in April, I’m taking my staff with me for company. It got approved by social services. I can bank some hours so don’t have to pay for the whole 10 days worth of hours. Same staff who went to Turkey with me last year. Also going on a coach tour of Italy in May (but going with a friend)… Also spending Christmas and new years in Hikkaduwa, Sri Lanka in December. I don’t have a lot of outgoings so I know I’m lucky.


something is amiss…how can you make so much money that you do this travel all the time?? inheritance, maybe?

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I’m comfortable thats all. And I don’t go on expensive vacations. I have an accountant to manage my finances and I live quite cheaply. Vacations keep me mentally well and its known by my team that it keeps me well planning and going on them.

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comfortable?? hahaha…I’d say comfortable yes…very comfortable…you aren’t givign any details as to how you are comfortable…I’m fine with it, none of my business…but you are someone I don’t talk to mainly because you don’t seem real to me.

I had some good news, financially speaking. My energy direct debit has been reduced from £302 p/m to £112 p/m . At one point I was getting energy charges of over £70 p/w for my small flat . My daughter who deals with such matters tried in vain to get the energy company to see how ridiculous that was. Last 3 bills? All around £67 p/m. Yet there hasn’t been a massive decrease in appliances used over the last few months. Realistically I expect the energy charge to increase as heating has now been put on for set periods of time. At one point I was over £800 in the red. Now I’m £151 in the black.


I’m real


Apparently offgem have given the greenlight for raising prices for gas/electricity. It’s only gonna get worse

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Life is fundamentally unfair, so be glad you’re lucky. But there is no need to rub it in with many people on this forum struggling financially.


I haven’t been on a holiday for years :frowning: i would like to go somewhere but idk where or who with, I’m planning on going to visit my friend who lives a 2 hr drive away, its a nice place from what i heard & he has a spare room for guests.

I spend a lot on my car but i still save where i can, I give a little to charity and I just bought some e-drums, I try and offset costs so I’m trying to sell some good hardback books & my sofa bed.

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No, the benefits in the UK really are that good. Not sure how long that will remain the case as the entire country is going into the crapper financially. I can’t see how it’s sustainable. All I can say without going too much into politics and stuff.


I’m sorry, @daydreamer. I’ve never been away on a trip that wasn’t to visit family except about 7 years ago I may have gone camping for a night or two every so often. That was pretty close to us, though. Where would you go if you could go somewhere? I have dreams of driving around the US one day (I want to see the redwood forest) or maybe just flying somewhere not-too-far to visit for the weekend. Maybe someday.

As for financials, I think that most of the world is struggling in someway or other right now. But if you think of everything going on, it’s no surprise. I’m very thankful to be safe, even if it means I don’t get holidays traveling.


Maybe im wrong and if I am I apologise for what I’m about to say but it feels like you love boasting about these holidays and love the negative responses and responses from people who cant enjoy these holidays.


Next year when I move in with my partner I’ll lose my benefits … So I’ll have no choice but to get to work. Not that I’m complaining about that … kinda gives me another kind of purpose. Plus I’m likely to lose my pip as well cos its up for review .


I think it’s super tacky to post your vacation pictures on this thread.
