I guess interesting is one word for it.
I’ve been guilty of taking voices seriously and disconnecting from reality to a great extent. That way lies madness.
So grateful for abilify, this pill has brought me back to planet earth. While not an ideal world, it’s the only one where we can make things better.
For me, it’s impossible to separate or distinguish religious truth from sz fantasy (delusion). Even some of my pdocs disagree on this, or, can’t come to a conclusion. So I just default in favor of my religion.
I’m mildly religious while medicated, I lean towards fanaticism otherwise. One thing I know for sure: auditory hallucinations should be avoided at all costs, even if one lives under the impression of being connected to a higher power.
@Andrey, Unless you’re like me and your auditory hallucinations are infrequent, garbled and nonsensical, and not bothersome.
And I feel completely connected to my Higher Power.
My auditory hallucinations are bothersome but they don’t cause me the harm that delusions do. I fall for my delusions in a scary and dangerous way cuz they’re relatively infrequent so I’m not used to them like i am used to voices. My delusions usually involve self harm to some extent.