Pdoc appointment

She’s increasing my lamictal cause I’ve been having some dark mood shifts, voices telling me to hurt myself, suicidal thoughts, etc etc, hoping that helps.

She’s also adding on 10mg of abilify daily to my 3mg risperidone. Hopefully that helps take the voices away.

That’s all I’ve got for this month. Wishing everyone well!



Good luck with the changes. I hope they make a difference.

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Oh good, lots of people do really well with abilify. Hopefully you’ll have good luck too.

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It’ll be interesting to see what effect abilify has. Positive I hope.

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Good luck @Ooorgle, keep us updated

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Thanks everyone. I just gotta keep my chin up and stay strong.

I haven’t heard from the angels in a long time, but I still get days that the crowd pick on me.

I’m wishing everyone relief

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