Pdoc appointment at the end of the month. Gonna ask if I can quit my pregabalin (lyrica)

It makes me ravenous. Plus you also bloat up on it.

Was put on it by a GP years ago to help with anxiety. Did help that to be fair.

I just want off it now though. Am on high dose Prozac and seroquel both of which help anxiety too.

I really hope he okays the taper down

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Ps it is also a drug of abuse around my area so hopefully this might swing the decision in favour of quitting it

Good luck! I kniw you have tried a few times in the past, did you make any changes this time that might help?

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Well I need to ok it with my pdoc first. Then I will need to get 25mg pills. I currently take 200mg a day (two 100mg pills)

I am kinda thinking maybe reduce this by 25mg every 4 weeks so with take best part of 6 months to come off it.

In the past I have tried to do it too fast and too soon.

In terms of gabapentinoids slow and steady wins the race I think.

Basically I will tell my pdoc I would like to be free of lyrica and see what he says

I think my pdoc would have a farkin seizure if he saw someone on Lyrica for psych reasons.

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In this country it is licenced for anxiety. In fact it was the go to med for a while. It was thought to be less habit forming than benzodiazepines - go figure

Here in the US, it’s Schedule 5, and benzos are Schedule 4, being more restricted and controlled. Schedule 6 are your run-of-the-mill prescriptions. Schedule 1 is for things like heroin and LSD.

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For a slow taper, it might also be possible to get a liquid form of the med. That’s how i did my taper. Reduced VERY slowly, and every time I felt even a hint of withdrawal i stepped back up.

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I had lyrica for a couple of months - and my god i was impulsive on it. No thought for consequences.

Was craving the stuff too. I threw a box away.