I found a new video on mental illness, this one from the criminal justice perspective. A man speaks about his time getting arrested during his delusional episodes and the life that ensued…he says 3 arrests went extremely well but 3 wound up being brutal and violent encounters.
He now speaks to law enforcement about methods to deal with psychotic people in the course of their duty.
While this is specifically about someone who is a felon, I think this applies to all sz, in that we all deal with law enforcement, even when no crime has been committed, as that is the 5150 process here in the states.
What do you all think?
Nice. It ends a bit abruptly. I think I’ve heard about him before.
This is dear to my heart, as I had a great experience with a Peace Officer in a psychotic episode. She did everything right, and I had a nice talk with her about her job, her salary and the house she was trying to buy.
Whereas my brother has had terrible run-ins with the police. The SWAT team was called in once and they broke his windows to get inside.
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I wrote a book about my delusional experience and yet I didn’t put in the book that the second time I was delivered to a mental ward the cop put on the cuffs too tight and wouldn’t fix it. I was silent and just endured the pain but I remembered after stabilizing that also when the cop brought me to the hospital I was waiting sitting in the lobby and him and another cop that walked up seemed to look at me with hostility and laughed while talking about me at least that is what I was thinking while they stood there looking at me. I then became involved with a belief system that they were only doing what the devil made them do. It was all a big secret world where everybody was a double agent between God and the devil but on God’s side.
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I’m sorry you went through that! That sounds terrible.
I heard a schizo-typal dude tell me that when he was all paranoid and hysterical the cop trying to deal with him laughed and told him, “haven’t you heard of the CIA? Cuz they heard of you!” Which is just cruel and inhumane punishment to a sz, or even a schizo-typal (that is a paranoid personality disorder, not with the positive symptoms sz have).
Cops definitely need to understand how their behavior can trigger worse delusions and paranoia----and how that’s not a good thing. I’ve had half and half experiences during my time being 5150’d; some decent and slightly curious police, but some cruel power driven jerks, too.