Earlier I told my sister I’m scared my husband would come here and break in. She said how will he get in? I told her he’d break window. She said I mustn’t worry - in the four years she’s been here nobody broke in. It’s just my paranoia I guess… I’m stressed after all the happenings. She said she will keep reassuring me.
I also got an inserted thought from Alien - he made me confused as to which of two mugs to use for my cappuccino just now. Was hesitating for a little while.
Then he yelled out to me: psychotic b…ch!! C.nt! You think you’re so special don’t you?? Felt like I was losing control of my mind - like my brain would pour out. It was scary. Fortunately it’s ok now, it passed. But I’m still paranoid.
Norepinephrine is involved in paranoia. Its found that those who have paranoia have its value much higher than controls.
So avoid anything which boosts norepinephrine value. These include certain medications and supplements. For example strattera (atomoxetine), wellbutrin etc. In supplement category popular one which raise it include l tyrosine.
Substances which reduce cortisol levels help to lower its value. Also blood pressure medications like beta blocker helps to reduce adrenaline. Also avoid caffeine as it raises cortisol.