Paranoia 1515

At night I find myself double checking that all the doors and windows are locked. I’m paranoid that a home invasion might happen. When I’m outside the house I’m always suspicious of people that I see staring at me. I don’t trust people easily and I always expect the worst from people I don’t know. I’m on Olanzapine (Zyprexa) and I find that it does decrease my paranoia but it’s not a cure. I still deal with it. Anyone else dealing with paranoia?


Right now I am paranoid the cops are watching us and my neighbor is going to do something violent towards me. Whenever I go outside I’m looking around like a mad woman.

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I hope your situation gets settled and you find some peace @Leaf

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I have Navy SEALs tracking me. They have cameras everywhere. They also have others report on me to them.

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I doubt navy seals are after you. Sounds like a delusion @LilyoftheValley


That’s what everyone tells me but I see them everywhere I go. When I was working they came into my work too, at more than one job

I’m the same as you.

I’m always paranoid.

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I hope you find some relief @Wave paranoia sucks

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You too @TheCanuk

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I get scared when people look at me and I feel there are cameras in my house to follow me. People follow me everywhere when I am out but I try to tell myself they arent out to get me. One thing that helps is wearing sunglasses I wear them everywhere still the cameras in my house freak me out, my parents say theyre no cameras I dont believe tham.

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Yes usually paranoid about all kinds of stuff, I try not to act too afraid in public bcuz I don’t want people to take advantage of my fears and weaknesses. Peripheral vision really helps to see who’s watching you without them knowing.

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Yes. I had to leave the house and on the bus there was a dirty old homeless man, as he walked by I could smell him — now I’m paranoid I caught the corona virus :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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I’m paranoid that my husband will hurt or kill me because I want a divorce. I’m paranoid he is in league with his mother who wants to poison me. I’m too scared to be around almost his entire family now

Not anymore now that I changed meds

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