Hey guys n gals do any of you take paliperidone injections invega it’s called in the states and what effects did u have? Tia x
I take it. It makes me tired and lazy.
Thank u not what I wanna hear as I work x
I take Invega Trinza and feel good on it.
I take Invega lower dose. 100mg every 28 days. For my first 3 years on it, I didnt want to do anything physical. I tried a few times to be active but I did not last long. But I have been exercising and doing chores for the last 2 months and I think this time me being active will last a long time. I dont have any side effects that I can notice but I dont know what is going on with my body inside. It helps a lot with my delusions. I have small amount of residuals. I have insight.
Took me 3 years to get used to it and have energy again
Thank u @Rainstorm @mangojuice @anon47703785 x
When they put me on the highest dose of invega injection when I was relapsing in the hospital it was terrible. I had my last great orgasm which stands out to me because it was great. I could describe it but I’m not going to lol. Then they put me on invega and I immediately had sexual problems. I was the exact opposite. And I still have those issues now. I’m getting off this drug. Besides that it just kinda feels like plastercine to me. I’ve had extreme problems trying to heal from psychosis on this drug. Its been really hard. I still have trouble communication and thinking but it’s alot better now as it’s been over three years. I’m glad I’m switching to Abilify. I hope sex and thinking get better. I hope you have better luck than me. It killed my friends sex life too.
I used to be on invega and had hectic sexual problems from it. Then i switched to abilify and the opposite happened. I was like a sex maniac. Almost to the point of it being annoying haha. Now im on rexulti and its basically the same as abilify. Dont really like it but better then olanzapine and invega so far.
I take Invega pills. It’s the only drug that helps with my voices.
I was on it. I had energy, but I gained weight too fast and had to get off it.
I have to get one more injection of invega. Then I’m coming off. As long as I stay well
I’m on it. It has made my life easier gained a little weight but at least I’m not running from voices anymore.
Thank u everyone really appreciate the responses I’m on risperidone now 2mg n then they plan to put me on paliperidone depo I took it at night n even with my amitryptiline I didn’t sleep so now taking it in the day until they the drs get my depo I hope I don’t have to many side effects on it il keep u updated xx