Owning a Cat Could Double Your Schizophrenia Risk, Research Suggests

The correlation is much more likely that often people who develop schizoprenia have social issues beforehand and get a cat to compensate.


People get pets when they are alone. Cats can make good pets as they don’t need constant supervision. I think dogs need a good pack leader. Cats tend to be more independent.

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If it’s an enzyme disease like they’re suggesting, dogs would be included.

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All jokes aside I can see how this might be a thing. If someone already has the potential for sz, and say they have trouble doing tasks like cleaning the litter box due to negatives, the air pollution can escalate things.

It sounds rather trivial like surely it can’t be that bad as to cause sz, but between the odor of feces and cat fur i think it can make a difference.

We all know that deep breathing can help us relax, well shallow breathing due to air pollution and feeling like your constantly suffocating can do the same. I’ve seen a lot of people complain about feeling that way. Feel like their suffocating. I have that and feel it contributed to my sz. Mental stress due to trouble breathing.

Oh no, I have 6 times the risk because I have 3 cats!

Did I do the maths right?


I think my cat has trained me.

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It’s not an enzyme disease.

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Cats are evil :imp:

Damn straight, and that’s why I love mine so much.

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Lmao good one man :rofl: