I know we are not allowed to link or promote our websites so I won’t do that, but here is a screenshot of a website I have designed for myself. I have a number of residential and small business clientele and some have mentioned I should have a website for when they recommend me to new clients.
The website is interactive and has animations but you can’t tell from this screenshot. For example when you hover over the “A+ Certification” icon it fades into a description of what that certification is. When you fill out the contact form it animates as it sends your email and then thanks you for contacting me. When you hover over the icons for my services they animate to various smiley faces. When you click the Tech Tip button it gives you a new random tech tip, etc…
I’ve blurred out all the personal contact information but otherwise this is the website I’ve designed. I designed the layout and coded the whole thing myself but all the icons were created by professional icon designers. I tried to make it colourful and friendly looking because I personally like colourful and friendly looking websites. Also blue is my favourite colour.
The website is programmed to work on both mobile devices and desktop computers but this is a screenshot from the Desktop version so it may be hard to view if you are looking at it on your phone.
Are you on a computer or phone viewing this right now?
I don’t have an official business. I just freelance. The government says I don’t have to open an official business or charge tax until I hit a certain amount of revenue/year which I haven’t met yet.
No, I don’t own an official business and websites that provide independent reviews (that I have looked at) ask for my business information, but I don’t have any business information to provide because I just freelance.
I just want peoples opinion on how it looks, the information it provides, etc… But I blurred out all contact information and promotional information and didn’t provide a web address.