truthfully I am not offended by the word ,
it could be the truth to “Mark Of The Beast” ,
I actually use to think that ,
and when someone calls the police after I say one sentence without acting violent ,
violent in any way ,
it sometimes does feel paranoid as ■■■■ and it is a mark ,
a tattoo of sorts perhaps ,
but as long as they aren’t lifting that heavy oh heavy oh no heavy phone so heavy ,
and talking to me instead of begging for me to be dead ,
then the word is OK with meh ,
I dunno but I totally understand the offensive part of it ,
I just roll my eyes so quickly that I don’t evaluate the ignorance and stupididty of ,
human pieces of ■■■■ with nothing but the fun of knowing that ,
that he/OR/troublesome/she is gone out of the house ,
and into a lock up facility because "WE DONT UNDERSTAND YOU!!! ,
ill shut up nao ,
I don’t get offended unless the number is dialed ,
otherwise think whatever you want about me ,
I need to buy a ■■■■■■■ piano …
I guess my advice would be ,
don’t even give that word the tyme of day ,
bounce it and throw it in a dumpster hoop ,
give your team-mates a high-five ,
and scream out “■■■■ YOU!!!” ,
then get some rest and relax and enjoy something you love ,
cause lord knows us schizo’s could use a vacation …