do your paranoia looms when you getting close to injection on 3 monthly injection and i have 20 days til next injection and i have small paranoias looming.
Nah. Sometimes it will do, because im stressed but not usually.
Yes sometimes, I think the dose needs to be increased or you can move to monthly or shorter.
unfortunately my state insurance doesn t allow shorter period allowence for depot injection
Normally no. But at the moment yes because im pregnant and have more volume in my body.
I had tochave my depot moved to 3 weeks instead of 4. I have Medicaid and it covered it
I take the haldol injection it’s so painless that I have to sometimes ask if they actually put it in sometimes it warms my arm up a bit
I also get my shot every 3 weeks, I’m on Paliperidone. I noticed that in the 4th week my mood dipped so the pdoc changed it to 3 weeks.
It’s the strangest thing, but when they put me on the Haldol depot injection it totally changed my body chemistry in regard to alcohol. I used to drink over thirty beers in a day. After they put me on the Haldol shot I could rarely drink more than twelve beers in a day. And this lasted even after they took me off the depot injection. Apparently the depot injection was solely responsible for the change. And the change was permanent. I still have this change in my drinking patterns many years after they took me off the Haldol decoate shot. The oral Haldol pills didn’t have this effect on me. I could still drink over thirty beers in a day when I was on the pills. The depot shot made some kind of change in my body that had this effect.
I take Clopixol depot 500 mgs every 3 weeks mixed with qutiapine 900 mgs…They both helps my psychosis and drinking problems.
I dont want to take it. I dont see how its any better than just taking it every day. A little space between doses helps me. I dont want to make any major changes, I already took the injection in the hospital while on depakote, but they took me off abilify recently and I want to continue taking depakote because the way its being managed is almost worse than stopping and starting or missing a dose once every month or so. They put me on 1200mgs of Depakote, gave me an injection last month and put me on 20mgs abilify then stopped the abilify now want to stop depakote and start Abilify injections alone…that will probably induce a relapse which is why Im scared.