On this Memorial Day weekend

I have mixed feeling about all these American flags that will be going up

yeah, there’s honor, but these people would be rolling over in their graves

if they knew my story, including my grandfather who served in WW2.

What’s your story and what happened to your grandfather.

It’ll get deleted. Welcome to the occupation. My grandfather lived to tell,

and he told all of us kids.

Both my grandfathers were pilots in WW2.


My uncle fought. My family were conscientious objectors so he walked a different path.
I heard so many stories he told my family before I was born. I glad these men and women fought to give us a better life.

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I’d like to go to the lantern floating at the beach with my parents, if they’ll take me.

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@GoldenRex both my grandfathers and one grandmother were in the Australian Airforce in ww2. One flew in bombers over Europe and the other was groundcrew in Papua New Guinea. The one who flew in bombers had some crazy stories. He got shot down and lived…crazy things he went through including the fact his parachute didn’t open and he had to claw it open to save his life!


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