On having a girlfriend

My therapist was pushing the idea of having a romantic relationship with a woman.
I kept telling her that I have no desire to get involved in a romantic relationship.
She said that it’s beneficial to gather support from a romantic partner sometimes.
Honestly I like her but I don’t think she was understanding me.

I kind of felt uncomfortable talking about it.

Did she cross the boundaries?

I am not interested in having a girlfriend period.

She kind of kept insisting.


Do what you feel is right for you.

My pdoc wanted me to get a job a few years ago and I wasn’t ready at that time.

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Yeah, I am not interested in having a girlfriend either. I know where you are coming from Wave. I don’t think you should be forced into a relationship because of your therapist.


I’ve always been aggressive and convincing as a woman.

are you scared of the insecure?


No my therapist meant well.
Maybe I’m not used to getting personal advice from a therapist in a while.
She was just doing her job.

My last therapist never bothered giving me advice on relationships.

She was a waste.

@Headspark @Bowens @Daze
I kind of felt bad about it though.

Because at this point I’m incapable of being involved in a romantic relationship.

Physically and Emotionally- incapable


well, who knows, not like we can ask them their life.

you gotta have fuctional network, and functional down below.


If you don’t want one, then tell her to mind her business. You don’t want to force yourself to be in a relationship just because a therapist tells you to. I think you are a good dude though. I don’t think you’d be completely terrible as a boyfriend…but I don’t know you that well. Lol. You have a lot of compassion, and that’s a plus.


All my life, no one, therapists, doctors, friends, and family members included, have ever pushed or encouraged me to have romantic relationships. But I had them anyway.


Thanks @anon47572819 i really appreciate it.

@SkinnyMe @anon47572819 do you think she wasn’t respecting boundaries?

Or is this normal advice from a therapist?

I’m a bit confused to be honest.


I mean, most of the time they tell you to meet new or old friends if they think you should socialize. Maybe you were talking about being lonely? That might have created that thought process? I don’t know.


No I wasn’t telling her that I was lonely.
Thanks @anon47572819

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Is she single?

It might be a hint

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Hahaha! :joy: OMG!… I do have a little crush on her but I highly doubt she’d be interested in me.
I’m sure she’s professional anyway.


Well when she brings out the cheese and crackers, you’ll know for sure. Lol


I told her I was going away on vacation to a beach house and she said why don’t I ask a girl to join me.
Very strange.


No, I dont think that she crossed line. Maybe a little.
You’ve been alone, and first brought your puppy at home…
It didn’t work well.
I think that she saw loneliness in you, and just wanted you to have companionship.
That would be right for you, thats my opinion.
But when I think about it, often, it always ends as IF?
If it you go through separation with her, there is covid…
You should focus more on your wellbeing, while you are still young.

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Thanks @anon22846033! 1555

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There have been at least 4 or 5 times in the past couple years where you have felt like a healthcare worker was crossing a boundary with you. Im wondering if these incidents were all about the same person, or about different people. If they are all the same person, it really might be time to find someone new. If they are all different people, then there is a possibility you are hypersensitive to the idea of having boundaries crossed. Or that you are just having bad luck with healthcare workers, which we all know can happen. I’m not trying to doubt your experiences at all, but since you seem to be asking for outside perspectives, that is a pattern I have noticed.


I was looking at singles ads and thinking that dating could be fun. My significant raptor said Imma have my head bit clean off if I try.

Back to biting ankles for fun.