Om's madhouse #999

I use to believe other people could see through my eyes. I no longer believe that though.

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I had rationalised my way out of that as well until the IRA dragged me back into the rabbit hole

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And you believe it’s the IRA?
Or spirits?

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It’s outside, in the yard

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It’s an agency who the IRA CIA etc work for, @lekkerhondje thinks the same thing. The Ira don’t have the capabilities themselves their just a frontal organisation, but I blame them anyway

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Do you think that internal voices
are inserted thoughts by them?

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Yes these internal voices are them. The inserted thoughts or ideas are ‘quieter’ more like realisations. Sometimes they take over my own thoughts as well as the internal voices. Il start to believe my own thoughts are also being manipulated to think a certain thing and the internal voices will start talking to them. So I loose control of my mind. in essence the aIra are talking to themselves


Ok but what’s their purpose?
Have you thought about it?

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No purpose other than to make me insane, which when I had audible real voices was one of the options they were giving me to get out of hearing voices. The other option was to kill myself.

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Why? Are they pure evil?
My evil voices want me
to kill and to be killed.

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Yes of course they are. All they want is to thin the herd. We can’t give into them

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So do you think
they do it to others too?
Or only you?

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Of course they do. 21 million sz’s in the world, I’d say about 3/4 are under mind control

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I believe most mental health problems are caused by them

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I sound so crazy don’t I. I have really branched out on what I believe they are doing. I used to believ it was only me

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Yes, it sounds crazy.
I don’t agree that they cause all mental issues.

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Why don’t you think that? Please rationalise that for me. My reasoning is if they control the mind they can make it do anything

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In my case they don’t even exist.

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Ok. I’m hearing it.
What’s your diagnosis?


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