I swear to you there are divine things more beautiful than words can tell. - Whitman
People voices come to me naturally too. Never happens intentionally.
Of course. Mine too
Doing 1200 calorie treadmill workout now every day to elevate mood and energy
That sounds good. Lately I walk. And it makes me feel better
Wow good going @Ale
My only thoughts are that they are seeing the same thing. Like an elephant in the dark
I hope that the exercise also reduces my rest of the voices by reducing stress
Hey guys. What’s up?
What’s up @Om_Sadasiva. Beautiful day here. I just remembered I used to put wooden lathes up against the doors at night to stop people coming into the house at the start. I thought I could stop them from putting cameras in the house. I had a routine before bed every night. I also considered getting an alarm system and Infra red lights. I actually got a camera though, it was one of those wildlife cameras that takes a pic if something moves in front of it, i was trying to catch the cars that were driving by my house. I got a few as well but you could hardly see them on the pic. I also bought a burner laptop which cost me €200, I thought they were monitoring my internet usage by putting a virus in my computer
Beautiful day here too. Sunny and warm.
I have an alarm system
The voices told me several things to prove they are real but I can’t remember them
Today? Or in the past?
In the phast, they were not worried about whether I thought they were real or not they knew they had me
Mine are real, seem real, at least.
Now i have no voices. The other day I had some divine things, and I wrote them down
I’m lucky I wrote down when they turned into a whisper in hospital while just starting risperidone otherwise I would definetly think they are real now I’m 50/50
Mine started as low tone as well I would think my ex girlfriend was talking about me, then it turned into my old work colleague and it went downhill from there pretty quick.
It hasn’t progressed that bad…yet
I believe mood affects voices.
I am in good mood, so my voices
it took two weeks and 5 days for risperidone to work in hospital and the EXaCT same amount of time for the increase in risperidone to work. The voices must not be real. But what if they are just doing this to trick me?