How can they be real? They are without physical appearance.
Starting to feel more energetic in the morning after 2 hour workout yesterday. My stamina got so low after I got voices last year.
I walk every day, lately, and I feel better.
How do you explain the lack of physical presence and appearance in the voices?
I felt endorphins for like 5-6 hours after the first 600 calorie session.
Do you feel happy?
But what if there is someone doing it to me
Now I feel normal but yesterday I felt happy after the workout. I may need mood supplement with invega
How? And why? 666!999
Do you take antidepressant? I take
I quit latuda cause it was the cause for akathisia and anxiety. I may have to ask something new
To punish me for what I said to that man. ‘You won’t be aloud to live a normal life’they say
I believe it’s just extra existences in our head.
You’re too obsessed. It’s not beneficial for your mental health
I’m obsessed because it was so real to me. My mental health is declining even though I have no voices
During Easter last year, I first heard Jesus.
Easter makes me get moved
They are real to me too, but I don’t care about them
I think when my voices come back I won’t be on this forum anymore. I’ll be too preoccupied with what is happening to me. Then all that time I spent worrying about if they are real will be wasted because by then I’ll know that it IS real.
Maybe you need med adjustment. Exercise would do good too