Om's madhouse 6

Lol 15155115511551

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Your right to just express your issue. Thereā€™s no one encouraging delusions here

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Is this thread to get help and advice for your delusions , or for people to share a running commentary about their various delusions?

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To get an opinion whether I am right in my thinking, so yes recovery

If itā€™s a delusion itā€™s not right thinking. Wanting a delusion confirmed as being right isnā€™t healthy.

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I never said I wanted it confirmed your twisting my words. Thereā€™s no place for people like you on this thread so just leave it alone. This thread is helping me by debunking my thoughts so yes leave it alone. Start a thread about news or something

I like to get others opinions of what iv been through, itā€™s my right to do that. Thereā€™s no one encouraging delusions here

Are you advocating no go zones for certain posters ? On what basis are you choosing to discriminate?

No itā€™s common knowledge that some People want this thread closed so thatā€™s who I mean, it would directly affect my recovery if it does close and your advocating for it to be closed, so thatā€™s who I mean

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I expressed my opinion having read through the thread. These various ā€˜Madhouseā€™ threads seem to be a vehicle for the OP to wallow in his delusions. Iā€™m not sure how such a thread can be seen to be helping the OPā€™s or anyone elseā€™s recovery.


I think it helps. Why do you say that?

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When thou seest an Eagle, thou seest a portion of Genius; lift up thy head! -Blake

Something is walking upon my head.
I think itā€™s tactile hallucination

I am bored again today, yesterday I was very busy though and almost became psychotic

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Psychotic from being busy?

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Yes I think so, under too much pressure I donā€™t think szs can do pressure 1515

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Yes. Stress and pressure are bad for us. I canā€™t handle them


How do you know but evā€™ry Bird that cuts the airy way/ is an immense world of delight, closā€™d by your senses five?

Every thing possible to be believā€™d is an image of truth

Rest of the less frequent people voices are hard to get rid of. Trying to reason with them to go away since they hear my thoughts.