Beautiful part of the states iv heard. I’m from Ireland
Are you able to go out and take advantage of the weather when it’s good?
I’m taking sun atm outside, but I still want a mood lamp to improve my condition
When the voices come back I don’t know if I’ll be ready. I don’t think my cousin wants anything to do with me because of all the trouble i got in with the IRA.
And it was a lot of trouble, the whole of the IRA in my county were after me, so many cars going by my house, and I was followed and nearly ambushed at a car test Centre. I remember I was going to service my Jeep and two senior IRA figures were at the test Centre waiting for me (they bugged my Jeep with a tracking device and my phone that’s how they knew where I would be)They were there to have a ‘look’ at me, they sat in the waiting area while I was at the desk to see what kind of person I was. I heard one man say ‘he looks like a nice lad’ and the other said ‘I think he looks cheeky’. I was afraid. Then another person in worker uniform (who was also in the IRA) came in and non shelontly told me ‘dont make us come to your house’ I ran to a nearby room afraid for my life. I decided to get out of there,I ran outside. I seen this car with two males inside parked right beside my Jeep. As I was unlocking my Jeep, the driver opened the door and said in a threatening way ‘go on the run’. I took off in my Jeep cripples with paranoia and fear. This is what it was like for me, this is what the IRA are like
My cousin had a bodyguard also at the sales Centre there to protect me.It’s like the gang stalking delusion except this was for real I can’t stress this enough. This was not in my head, it’s what made me sick. What do you guys think of that story, does it sound intimidating???
Sounds like you’re just an anxious person and are putting bits of info together to invent a conspiracy against you, plus hallucinating things.
I’ve been there, paranoid schizophrenia is a son of a gun.
Try to just forget the past and not think about it. I just get anxious about it myself thinking about this matrix I still feel I’m in. I rather not know the truth if I can’t escape it.
Come on, Italy, you know it’s a delusion, right?
While listening to Trout Mask Replica, the mustache of Captain Beefheart in my head, produces electricity and gets bigger. It makes me crazy.
I know it sounds like a delusion but if happened, it traumatized me.
That’s wild om! Lol
In reddit someone said that I am delusional when I said the story of the Bible: three times I opened it to a random page, and three times I stumbled upon Ezekiel. It’s a true story, guys. It was not hallucination. But most people will say that it was a silly coincidence
I know. It’s ridiculous
It sounds like a coincidence and they will drive you crazy if you focus on them. @Ale had some crazy coincidences too
Your not delusional it was just a coincidence?
I have many coincidences. TV says what I say or think. It used to happen every day. Now not so much
For me, it was a sign. For sane people it’s just a coincidence
Anyway, I don’t encourage delusions, I just express my issue. I don’t know what to think.
I am confused
Coincidences are extremely frequent in my case.
It could drive a sane guy crazy. How much more me, a poor schizophrenic!