two questions
i read you have to eat omega 3 containg fishes
twice per week
is this enough
or should also take supplement omega 3 pills
anyone has an idea ?
i am interested in this
thank you
I’m not quite sure. I think you would have to eat fish 4 times a week to get the recommended amount. Omega 3 is supposed to be beneficial for schizoprenia so you might consider supplementing with it anyways. I do.
what s it is effect
and when i ll see its effect ?
after how many days or weeks ?
Amongst other things it can possibly help you sleep better, protect your brain and fight inflammation(taking psych meds can inflame your brain).
I don’t know how long it will take, but it will probably take full effect after a couple of weeks. You can try to feel if it makes a difference in your body, although this can be difficult since the effect can be very subtle.
The best thing would be to take supplements high in EPA&DHA if you really need omega 3.