Illusionary delusions fuel an elusive sort of reality. The self… Is dead. Nothing but a body. My routine is alcoholic.
So it goes, so it goes.
Illusionary delusions fuel an elusive sort of reality. The self… Is dead. Nothing but a body. My routine is alcoholic.
So it goes, so it goes.
Have you tried AA or other programs? I used to drink like a fish
My psychotic bipolar took me to the bottle, as well. (Hey! Booze is a terrific psych med. But the sfx are gawd awful. You get dehydrated as hell, your stomach – and you head – starts to hurt all the time, you puke a lot, and after a while, your friends have all disappeared.) I crawled into AA 38 years ago. Took six and half years to get sober, but things got “better,” at least, even before I got the plug in the jug for good.)
I’m worried about you.
You do so well at fighting off the symptoms when your not drinking.
I hope you feel better soon.
Now that you live alone… does family come and visit you?
Such is life…
IT has to run it’s course and be done with you before you can start as a new person.
Yeah I gotta lay off the drinking. Thanks for the concern man. This ■■■■ is getting easier every day.
I’ll just have to trust you guys in knowing this ■■■■ isn’t actually happening.
Don’t drink no more bro…here?..
Well can’t handle beer so I pulled a lebowski and got a White Russian.
Freaking A man …that is counterproductive.
Myself? Beer is cool.
Well ■■■■ it man.
Alcohol is the worst. Damn heDachez.
Yeah. I feel that right now.
For me, if I buy myself like 2-3 beers, i drink them, then don’t go to the store and buy more. Idk if that can be the case for you if you live in a big city, but I never drive even after 1 beer, so if I don’t buy it, I don’t drink it.
I’m kind of in the mood to drink tonight but won’t. I drink 3 beers tuesday, 6 for cinco de mayo and 2 on thursday. Need two days off…Trying not to get back in that routine.
Yeah man. I just binge. Then I start feeling like ■■■■ and back off for a while. Have 3 beers right now that I probably won’t drink. It’s more about meeting girls and being out in public. Those things have been going great this week but I’ve hit my limit.