My online friend freaked out on me yesterday and thinks he’s in the right

Telling me I have no chance to stay sober and I’m delusional if I think I can stay sober. First of all, what a ■■■■■■■ easy cop out to call a schizophrenic delusional and second you just don’t say any of that ■■■■. Keep it to urself. So I freaked out on him and he’s such a bad person he thinks he’s still right and just god what a malignant idiot.

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What an ■■■■■■■! What does he think he could achieve by saying that; I don’t know. I’d have freaked out on him too.

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Thank you @therealbec. Yes it was very surprising to hear come from anyones fingers


“hear from fingers” lol


Some people can be self-righteous re: their particular program of recovery. I ran into this with diehard AAs.

It tells me that they’re the ones with a problem, not me. The most judgmental people are those with a big problem themselves. This observation never fails.


I told him misery loves company

and then he IM’s someone else saying im gonna be in a mental hospital soon because im losing my mind or something when really I just have thicker skin now that I stand up to him since I am sober. Hes your typical ITG (internet tough guy) and IRLC (in real life coward)

You’re better off without that wild kind of behavior. He doesn’t sound at all rational. Where else can you meet people for support?


I have plenty of support I just need to block this guy. I have this board, I have all the people in AA and in my house and IOP and everyone is supportive of me. `


OK. So all you need to do is write off what happened with this online guy. Let it roll off.


That person who responds to your (completely reasonable) anger by saying you’re losing your mind… seen that before, what a classic. Very cowardly thing to do, but especially to someone with mental illness! >:/


Tell him you know at least two people with schizophrenia who each have more than 20 years clean and sober.
That’s me and @shutterbug (who might want to chime in). But there’s many more who have substantial clean time.
I don’t know if you want to use fellow schizophrenics as an example.


26 years clean and sober here. Also have a wife, kid, home, and career despite having had a ‘poor prognosis’ when first diagnosed. Very possible to be SZ and clean and sober.

Good luck.


Hey @Jonnybegood (love the name, by the way) you are going to meet people who are crazier than you even when they might not have a diagnosis. He’s upset that you’re getting better and he wants to bring you back down to his dysfunctional level. You’ve outgrown your friend. Drop him like the rock he is; he’s an unnecessary burden to your recovery.


He showed his true colors.

Drop him like an egg. Oval and small.


I know more then just you guys who are sz and have great clean time. I’ve met these people in Aa. That wasn’t this guys point.

This guy is a big time addict and alcoholic and has seen me relapse before. Doesn’t understand it’s different this time. Not saying I’m gonna get 28 years but…it’s one day at a time!!! But I do feel really really good now that I no longer feel the need to self medicate myself with anything but prescribed medication.

Thank you for your support. You’re right I don’t need these people in my life.

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Forget about him. If I listened to people like that when I first got in the program I would never have achieved 28 years clean and sober.


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