This world is a dream with no animals, there are immortal birds and insects flying through the ether, would you like to lieave;
I live in the woods and have two cats. I clean up dead birds every week.
Do you realize that all birds are essentially evolved dinosaurs that survived the last cataclysm. I am not talking about pussy footing around. Despite the fear and loathing statistics in New Las Vegas, I think the “be fruitful and multiply” instruction is inbred and better than venerated virgins would lead you to believe. We are apart of this work. The first Psychic Objects of Adoration were theranthropic sculptures (half human \ half animal adoration). “The first shall become the last.” The Divine is Many Things in Combination and Component, but what any of it has to Us, is not subject to faith, if it is truth. It is the evidence behind Conviction. Express.
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