Do you think ocd is a waste of thought…like you can think about more important things with your time…or do you think of it positively…it keeps your mind active so you’re always thinking/utilizing that brain of yours??? I’m at a crossroads with this.
By definition ocd interferes with your ability to function properly…I watch my mom suffer with her ocd…but calling it a waste of thought is rather…pointless…you can’t help how your brain functions…and tbh wouldn’t any thoughts that don’t pertain directly to your survival be a waste of thought?
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My compulsion to spell out every word I spoke in my head turned me into a fantastic speller!
My compulsions to control the times I breathe were less helpful…
Yeah, my compulsion to count every object of a certain type and ensure the total is divisible by four hasn’t really gotten me very far in this world.
Maybe my counting allowed me to do well on the math standardized tests