Nuclear war

A contortionist would be the only efficient person if a nuclear war broke out. Technically, he is the only one who can really bend over and kiss his own ass good-by.


Mutually assured distruction! MAD. Tried to put those bombs on Cuba. Could have led to war. I’m kinda hopeful that modern economics won’t lead to war. Too many people making outrageous money off the poor. The poor too dumb with technology to rise so it’s big brother. No point with war as it costs so bloody much.

You won’t see a revolution with people wearing Nike’s and you wont see a war whilst the power brokers are making billions. Used to be millions!

My opinion only!

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Ah, yes, the Cuban missile crisis. It sure scared the hell out of my parents and millions of others. President Kennedy sure earned his salary that day when he got us out of that one.

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Yeah crazy stuff the kids don’t know these days. Kennedy stood his ground and you peeps were doing duck, drop and cover drills. Your a bit before my time but you would have got the end of that anticommunist and bad reds era! Not fun when your a socialist! :slight_smile:

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I worked with an old US army engineer who knew about the design of nuclear missiles in the 1970’s. He said that half the missiles launched by the US or USSR would land in their own territory. Once those babies were launched there was no telling where they’d end up.

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A positive aspect of nuclear war is nuclear winter. It would end global warming and stop carbon dioxide emission…The problem is that we won’t be here to see it.

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