Post 'em if ya got 'em…
Post 'em if ya got 'em…
Have I mentioned that I love cats? Because I really love cats.
My sis can watch Shark cat for hours…
If that one went on for about half an hour I think it could cure the world of insomnia. I’m certainly yawning now.
Hah. Wtf is this? Can’t believe the cat just sits on that thing.
The music is great too.
Ah that’s rich man.
This is my spirit animal.
If I know you, and I am comfortable with you 9 out of 10 times I’ll be into something you don’t want me to be in. More intellectually than physically of course.
aww cats are so goofy. I adopted a cat in Feb for two weeks, but I took her back to the shelter, I’ve become a robot on these meds. I used to have a cat who knew how to open doors, he would jump on the door handle.
check this out @anon31257746
That gato malo made me laugh.
I have decided that I am buying Mrs. Pixel a Roomba for Christmas:
Partly because I hate vacuuming, too.
Funny cat pictures with captions
I can’t help it… there is just something classic about a cat riding a vacuum
Love this cat too…