Not to have left america

i used to work in the US many years ago.

but bcoz of sz i left the US and returned to india.

but i think i made a mistake.

i should not have left the US, i should have sought treatment there.

but i was not ready to accept that i had illness and decided to leave.

i wanna go back to the US again.

the standard of living in the US is high but i cant drive a car so thats a problem.

now getting into the US is so difficult, i have twice been denied a visitor’s visa.

What do u guys think?


Which part of India are you from?

It’s also pretty developed in some areas. Not too different?

I mean, quality of life for someone with sz will be not “fantastic” wherever you go surely?

America isn’t an easy life in my opinion. Even if it is a ridiculously highly developed economy. Struggle is everywhere, that even without sz as a factor.

You still have to put effort into claiming disability for example, have to put effort into chasing up insurance policies and the like for a good treatment plan and so on?


The grass is always greener. I love my country but I’m on social security and am forced to live with my parents so I can afford my bills. It’s really hard to be on your own with schizophrenia or any disability in the US.


I am from Bombay

Where are you from

I know life anywhere with sz is tough

Ya life is tough

As long as you have access to meds and a supporting environment (family, government, etc), the country shouldn’t matter.

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Do you get disability in India?
If not, can your family support you?

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No disability here

But parents are supportive


You would be welcome in the UK mate lol. We have a large friendly indian population, at least where i live.

And we got the NHS - so you get your meds for free lol :smiley:

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UK. It is indeed. Tough it out with the help of your family I’d say.

If you had to leave for another country, try the UK. It seems our welfare system is a bit more welfare orientated.

However. Getting accepted into the UK may probably be harder than getting accepted into the US.


thanx @Naarai

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thanx @anon1466656

nice suggestion

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