The government is after me. It’s scary af but ultimately it’s the aliens which are projecting a False reality. The false reality comes from Saturn and it’s rings. The false reality makes it to the moon and amplified so that it’s more powerful. The moon is just a an alien probe. There are many aliens but the ones projecting this false reality are reptilians. There are so many other aliens one of which Is responsible for the accelerated evolution of humans. We are basically just a huge science experiment.
When was the last time you spoke to your psychiatrist? Are you taking an antipsychotic ?
No aliens are after us. It would be all over the news if they were. Call your pdoc, you need help right now
Yes I’m on clozapine olanzapine and quetiapine I’m slowly reducing the olanzapine while increasing the clozapine.I’m also taking 4 .5mg clonazepam
Ok, that’s great news. I’m very glad to hear it.
@Dsyncd, your original post sounds like something you should be discussing with your pdoc. Sorry you are dealing with that.
Reptilians…I hear ya!
I think aliens are out there and higher dimensional beings too.
But they won’t bother us, so try not to think about it…
Hope that helps.
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