Not sure if it was a hallucination

I went to grab a bottle of water from under the table where I keep my bottled water and as I went to grab the bottle I quickly see this small dark figure dash quickly towards the wall by the heater base board.
It happened in a flash then it seemed to have disappeared!

I can’t tell if it was a mouse or a visual hallucination?

I don’t think we have mice in the house as the house was inspected from top to bottom by exterminators a couple of years ago and they found nothing.

Maybe we will set mouse traps throughout the house and see.

But my guess is that it was a hallucination because it happened so quickly.

But it’s frustrating not to know what it was.


You should get an ultrasonic mouse repeller from Amazon. I’ve used them and they work great.


I’d set traps for sure! Better safe than sorry


Yeah we’ve used them in our last house and they disoriented the mouse but didn’t kill it @everhopeful

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OMG this is embarrassing but was really in my bathtub yesterday. Yikes!


Thanks @everhopeful and @CoCo
Yeah we are going to set traps everywhere


I know it’s a creepy crawly, but it looks pretty cool @anon97859349 . I’ve never seen anything quite like it


Yeah looks scary @anon97859349!


Are mice that quick?
There also was no sound, which makes me believe that it was a hallucination.

It was shadow like.


@Wave I have had a rat get into my house before and it ate up the inside of my couch. It left droppings everywhere and I could hear it scurrying about. It was hard to trap but I eventually did trap it. What a hassle though.

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I’ve been hallucinating the last couple of days so I don’t know?

I may contact my psychiatrist but first I’ll set traps everywhere to be sure.


A few years back I kept seeing what I assumed to be a visual hallucination out of the corner of my right eye which is where I always get my visuals for some strange reason. Creepy crawly bugs, cats, people standing there. Anyway every evening for several days, and I would say to my husband at the time oh I’m hallucinating. Then one night he was turned the right way and he saw it too. It was real! It was a mouse. We set a trap the next day.


I’m ■■■■■■■ seeing things again!

There are no droppings in that spot.

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Yeah I’ll set traps

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I see black things crawling or running etc.
It makes me think whether it’s real insect
or hallucination


Yeah it’s so frustrating not to know?

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The other day i saw a black dot running
on my pillow. I suddenly stood up and
searched for it, but there was nothing.

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I get that a lot, but I think even normies get these fleeting black objects moving about. I wouldn’t panic about my mental health just based on that.


Yeah thanks @NotSeksoEmpirico
My father says the same thing as you


The thing is, it’s not an isolated incident.
I hallucinated air being blown in my face twice this past week.
And had a visual hallucination of seeing this bright blue object on the floor in my living room.

And now today seeing this dark shadowy object disappear into thin air.

This adds up.