Not sure if I have Schizophrenia or not


The diagnosis of schizophrenia is made after a period of sustained symptomology…usually at least six months.

Street drugs are rubbish and will confuse things no end. I’d suggest that the relief of symptoms from the medications is probably a clue but you’ve got to just cut out the streets and see a psychiatrist. Psychologists aren’t qualified to do shite…you’ve got to appreciate a psydoc has seen it all if they are any good!

Simple answer. Symptoms over time without medications…There’s a huge amount of people who recover from first episode psychosis and don’t need the medications but those who do need them for life!

Seek appropriate medical help. Ie psychiatrist and stop the eckies!

A friend in the struggle,


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Continuing the discussion from Not sure if I have Schizophrenia or not:

Ah ok. Tbh I don’t really have anything that is stressful of note going on in my life atm. Having said that however, sometimes I do feel under stress when I’m with friends and I feel like they are conspiring against me because of the hallucinations. One recurring thing that keeps happening is that I feel that my friends wrongfully accuse that I am gay when I’m not. For some reason I just get really pissed off and feel like I don’t want to talk to anyone as a result. The most frustrating thing however is that I have tried explaining this problem to a couple of my friends but I don’t think they really understand what I am going through. I think that they think that I am turning gay or something and that I’m not admitting it. I feel like if I explain this again I’m only digging a bigger hole for myself to fall into. One thing I am definitely feeling is that since I’ve been getting this issue, I feel like I don’t have the same respect from my friends that I use to have.

In regards to taking drugs I am definitely thinking of stopping it according to the answers getting. I appreciate everyone’s help, so thank you.

Well all that sounds like symptoms.

I had a long period where I was able to function without meds. Then symptoms came back for whatever reason and I was hospitalized.

So if you don’t feel well, check in again with a psychiatrist. Who cares what diagnosis you get? as long as you feel better. :wink:

I don’t know if you’re sz or not, but once you get that diagnosis it will be easier to involuntarily commit you. There might be other consequences too. I would think carefully before I let myself get that diagnosis. It also might go into your records in some way or another. If you can make it without the med’s I would try to. The kinds of decisions made by both yourself and others about you here in the beginning could have life long effects.

You can’t stop a doctor from branding you with the scarlet S.

You have to have 6 months of symptoms I think before official Sz diagnosis.
Until then, most docs say brief psychotic disorder. Or psychotic disorder-not-otherwise-specified-nos/

But if you feel a doctor is threatening you with unwarranted hospitalizations then get a second opinion.

The sad truth is that after you start getting proper treatment for your mental illness, your friends change. They also change when you stop doing drugs and drinking. You might be able to keep some friends, but a lot of them won’t be able to understand what you’re going through and why you have to start making the decisions you make to get healthy. The upside is that any new friends you make will only know you as you are, and will be more accepting.

I get the fact that you thought/think people are out to get you. I was diagnosed with a persecution complex coupled with delusions of reference. So you may be in the ballpark of Sz. But I’m not a Doctor.

I thought 6 billion people wanted to kill me for bad and hateful words I had posted on the internet. My conscience drove me insane and sowed seeds of self doubt into my own psyche. I’ve now cut booze off of my list and I only post positive or humorous things now on line.

My internet persona (a$$hole) and my real life personality (thoughtful, kind) collided in my brain and drove me over the edge.

I’m STILL paranoid of ever becoming a noteworthy person in the Media. I’m afraid someone would dig up some off-color joke or rant or statement I made 7 years ago and hurt me or my family with it. This is why I’d like to be behind -the-scenes successful in life…but never in the limelight. The paranoia of being a known figure to the masses would consume and destroy me.

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Google gang stalking or cause stalking (like preacher of the church tells his people to follow orders from God), this is how closet schizos act. These follow people around and verbally harass a stranger about something private or talk like a parrot…Mental care calls this delusional but look at all the hits on Google. Delusional just means mental care they won’t discuss it…then victims become so confused they go nutty and mental care still calls it delusional when someone starts to think they are an alien, napoleon or God. …There are some problems with mental care unfortunately as coping skills and truth are not presented. A lot of people will cause/gang stalking in some cities & trespass, vandalize stuff, screw up coworkers/dates/friends, ruin coworkers, steal, bust stuff… Something is really wrong with these people, sometimes the pacifists get called schizo though. People act like this but I would not.

Staying with a normal-acting relationship or roommates who do not call you a headcase will reduce verbal harassment, sexual harassment and work and other worries…

Pull yourself together. Some people who try drugs even a few times end up with ‘induced psychosis’, hearing the voices… and eventually give into temptation to just keep self medicating with whatever and cannot hold down work, and eventually become a drug dealer. Do not go near the old bunch doing drugs, they are lost. Do not touch the stuff…Alcohol alone does not cause the induced psychosis very often…But, do you want to be a drunk whino or do you want a life?

A diagnosis is needed to bill health insurance or medicaid. So unfortunately, some of the mental care will use the diagnosis like name calling…If you know some people are not okay, do not talk paranoid with the mental care or discuss ‘delusional’ as mental care will not help you, do not talk to self aloud or follow orders from voices, forget the old crowd or anyone you met who was wealthy abuse situation, you have good chance for recovery if you try to keep yourself busy until you feel okay to study or work. Work on increasing concentration, keep weight under control, appearance okay & clean, do more stuff around house, out in public, then go with whatever you want to do in ‘next chapter’…

You will probably run into some wealthy people who are bullies or threatening people, or some people who are bragging about something illegal, say nothing and avoid the person. These kind make things worse for people who stay around them sometimes…

Alcohol for me has been causing a lot of issues. Hell, a couple of weeks after getting off my medication, and drinking socially with friends the conspiring thoughts came back. I was taking no drugs at the time. So yeah people react differently to differing mind-altering substances. I have a friend that takes MDMA quite frequently and he does not get schizophrenia-like symptoms. Some people suffer from depression after coming down on MDMA, some don’t.

Mind-altering substances like MDMA affect different people in different ways. It doesn’t matter how anti-drugs you are, its a fact. Now I’m not an expert on the subject nor am I saying taking drugs is not a risky endeavour but just because Alcohol is more socially accepted doesn’t make it more safer for people who suffer from schizophrenia or symptoms from it. Imo Alchohol can cause problems as well, in my experience anyway. I’ll also state that I was never addicted to drugs, nor alcohol I partake in such activites socially with other people on weekends. I’m not a low-life drunkard that takes drugs on a frequent basis, but I did take them on the odd occasion. I would consider myself lucky as I believe my situation is still salvagable. I am able to pull out of all that. The difficult part is giving up on my friends and hence my social life.

Hi, TBH I think basically everybody does drugs at some point in their lives ( specially in Croydon) anyway some people get targeted and some people don’t ! thats it.


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Hello, Thank you for your frank post, I know Alcohol & meds do cause bad side effects and so does being subtly triggered by your environment, please educated yourself when dealing with this alone or with no obvious support, other than take your Med’s or stop being so annoying or any other type of pile up these smurfs like to bait and switch upon you. We all ready know what the truth is, it’s our combined experience which is of the truth !

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Hello Hoodaya, have you come across the explanation of RNM AND NLP for the reason we are effected by such things, bless


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