Not sure about this

I can’t sleep! People are saying I’ve done crazy stuff that I do not remember. Like that I’ve screamed or repeated myself. I used to scream in my sleep I think…I am tired! I’ve called the psychiatrist line and requested them call in abilify because Effexor made me manic. I can’t get used to this. I’m so depressed. I just had my first hallucination. I was just hopeful. I’ve been feeling chest pains my ears ring non stop my head hurts I’m dizzy I am heading nowhere. I took two Otc sleeping pills and they didn’t work and then I tried a couple other things that made it worse my brother went to the pharmacy and they had not filled it. My dad just left the country I don’t feel like telling anyone at this point …one minute I’m upset then in laughing my mind is so loud I can’t not think without hearing something I forget how to do everything I’m really tired cuz it’s not a big deal! I flipped out started crying …I took myself to the ER thinking I was on the verge of a manic episode I burst out crying in the lobby all they did was give me ambien!! Everything I’ve been given is making me worse …I have given up on sleep. Doesn’t seem I have enough willpower to know what to do. But at some point I will have to sleep…

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When I was psychotic I eventually fell asleep… some days… others not. Breathe. Surf the web. Do anything to distract you. It’s 2:30 here and I usually fall asleep only at 4am or later.

I don’t really much like chat rooms since IRC. But sometimes online chatting could be useful. A useful feature for the site. But probably that’s what PMs are for.

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Try bible study, it will help with your negative feelings and help you sleep!.
Kind Regards.

Another bible troll. (Sigh)

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Negative feelings? Troll!

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The psychosis seems to be going away. Well it started as mania. I’m so upset I’ve never felt more lost. I think I have a problem.

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