Not sure about this tbh

Right so, I think I may have got at least an onset of schizophrenia, I have absolutely no idea fhough, it may be something else as well but there is something wrong with me, I’ve been living with anxiety and depression for about 1&1/2 years now, I’ve also lost a few friends by telling them my problems instead of a proper counsellor, my best friend of 4 years has pretty much lost contact with me because of my problems and won’t even read any messages I send him, the only thing we have to stay connected now is a snapchat streak, when this with him started about 6 months ago I didn’t know what to do since he seemed to be the only person to give a ■■■■ about me, I nearly killed myself then at the time because like I said he seemed to be the only person to ever give a ■■■■ about me and also never was a dickhead to me, after that happened I didn’t eat for about 3 or 4 days, I would regularly get sick with the stress of it and that went on for about 2 weeks and I have a feeling that made my mental condition worse also considering I’ve reached my breaking point several times before, symptoms which I can relate to schizophrenia started about a month or two ago, I would get mild hallucinations I guess of the people I was around at the time saying something or laughing or breathing abnormally in a completely scilent room and when I asked them about it they were just as confused as I was, I’ve also been having pretty weird dreams like a few weeks ago, what happened in the dream was I was sitting at the bar with my dad who would never buy me an alcoholic drink, told me to wait, he left, came back wearing a hoodie with hood up, I asked him about buying, 2 other lads with their hoods up joined the convo, I asked if they would buy me drink, one takes hood off and says “no sorry, I didn’t know this is what we’re talking about” and sips away at his pint slowly and puts his hood back up, another dream I had after was when a Stray cat comes to house, stupid reason why I have to kill it, couldn’t find a way to do it, smashed it over the head with a spade, starts twitching smash it again it goes cold, go inside, my history teacher(Chris) is in the kitchen making dinner, go outside again cat is alive again, I sneak up on it from behind try to kill it again, stays alive until 5th hit, go inside tell Chris it’s dead, go on my phone, see that By best friend poked me on Facebook, then go outside again cat moved and still alive, I hit it with the point of the spade so that it actually dies, I look into the dying cats eyes, they slowly turn from green to red like a drop of food colouring in water and keeps going until completely red ; extremely precise detail in this dream as well, such as spade was exactly the same as the actual one in the shed, I’ve had other dreams but I haven’t hem written down beside me like I had those two, I’m on no medication at all and feel nervous and anxious everyday to the point where I feel like I’ll nearly start screaming what do you guys think?

Your dreams aren’t real so I wouldn’t read into them too much.

However you should still consult your doctor and get a professional opinion on this matter as none of us are able to do that for you.

Hope you get the answers you need and take care :slight_smile:

I know, I really just want an opinion from people here who have gone through similar stuff or who do have schizo cause I want to know if they think I am as well, I won’t take anything as a diagnosis tho, I’ll have my docs decide on that, also I do know dreams aren’t real just the detail in them is what scares me, like that dream with the cat, I remember even the label on the spade being the same as the actual one

Thanks btw

I think you should see a doctor about this. Good luck.

Should I try my counsellor first?
And thanks

Weird dreams aren’t really something that would indicate psychosis those can be caused by a lot of things. The hallucinations are concerning and you should definitely talk to a doctor about it, I hope you’re already seeing one for your anxiety and depression. However with no delusions or paranoia right now I am leaning towards saying it is probably not likely you have psychosis and maybe your anxiety is making you interpret things weirdly. But again I’m not a professional, no one on here is, please see a doctor.

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Well I have psychosis which entails auditory hallucinations and delusions (inside my head and other people saying stuff) it’s not full blown schizophrenia although it bloody feels like it at times, so don’t immediately think the worst is all I’ll say!

If you think you have symptoms of schizophrenia, you need to see a doctor.

@SzAdmin, how’s that sticky post coming along? My fingers are sore.

I don’t have a doctor but I do have a counsellor for anxiety and depression, it does help, probably not as much but it does

Alright, thanks, pretty helpful

Hallucinations can be caused by things like poisoning by things in your environment or the pressure from a tumour in your brain, possibly from cancer (as an example). If you’re aware that you have hallucinations or think you do, you need to see a doctor, not a counsellor.

Good luck.

I’ve had 4 concussions in the last year or so, would they affect it as well? I’m guessing it would

Even more reason to see a doctor!

weird dreams I don’t think have anything to do with schizophrenia, I never had dreams at all leading up to when the psychosis started, the hallucinations you describe tho maybe u should get checked out because i would get similar i wouldn’t hear laughing or breathing but i would sometimes hear people talking about me which eventually led to me hearing voices 24/7, i think there are some ways to prevent a full blown psychotic episode from happening but i think you will be okay just talk to ur doc

It could be related to the head injuries. Did you get treated for those? Have you stopped doing whatever it was that lead to 4 (!!!) concussions in a year, or are you just really accident prone?

Ok, but I have seen a doctor about the concussions and I have gotten an MRI but I don’t think that t will prove anything with the ■■■■ medical system in Ireland, I was in a&e for 7 hours where I could have been dead in 2 if my brain would have been bleeding, so I wouldn’t expect my doctors to see any mental illnesses they will be able to see on the MRI, they will probably just see if the concussion has affected anything then ignore everything else

Also, rugby seasons over :slight_smile:

A brain injury is something to talk to a counsellor about, right?



Hey. After my concussion, I started having visual hallucinations that were outside my normal hallucinations. I discussed this with my neurologist (concussion doctor) and he ran a whole bunch of tests. You’ll want to get an EEG to rule out seizure activity. In the end, the visual hallucinations went away after about a year of treatment. But your absolutely have to tell your doctor, not your counselor, because there is a very high probability that your hallucinations are caused by something physical.

I have but my problems started before the concussions