Not mentally in a good place today

Not feeling it today

Really had enough of living

My mood is in the gutter


I’m fed up with all these people around me with their own agenda:

My dad, psychiatrist and employment coach just want me to work.
My sister wants me to study chiropractic.

The only person who gives me room to discover things for myself is my mom.

I think it’s time for me to make my own decisions and live with the consequences.


I had a week like that. These slumps don’t last. I hope you’ll feel better tomorrow.


Sending (((hugs))) sir.

I may also nibble on your ankles later.



I’m sorry to hear that.

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I hope you feel better soon. :crocodile::crocodile::crocodile:


I feel that way more often than anyone knows. But, I know now that there’s always an end to being swallowed up by those feelings. Sometimes, like today, I get up and get dressed and brush my teeth and find something to do to busy my body while my mind convalesces. I go out in the yard and fill the bird bath, sweep or other business…
Absolutely do not watch the news. This world is depressing. But our own existence is still important because we never know when the smallest thing will make a difference towards the positive, and that’s worth it.


Are you taking AD’s? Sometimes AD’s work opposite of what they are meant for and can induce suicidal thoughts. It’s even written as a known side effect.

Anyway, whatever the cause I hope you feel better soon.


I’ve been there for a few days.hugs.
I hope you get to feeling better.i know it’s just words but I mean it. Do you have someone to talk to?


Hugs :hugs::hugs::hugs: I’ve been there too, but the good days always come back. Hope you feel better soon!


No I tried them before but they did not help me :frowning:

Not really. I tried to reach out to my case worker, but I just didn’t really know what to say to her as I am exhausted


Ok. That’s good. Not that they didn’t work for you, but that you don’t take them. I tried it once. Never again.

It’s tough with this disease and the meds. It seems like my mood and quality of life fluctuates a lot. Some days can be really bad, while others can be pretty ok. I guess it’s like this for most of us. Just have to ride out those crappy days and hope things will be ok again soon.

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Get through the day.
So much going on like heatwave across the world can affect us.
Hope you feel better tomorrow.

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im sorry you are going threw a hard time

i was in a real bad place last night

im a little better today but its gonna take time for me to get threw this episode

hope better days for you

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I felt like sh*t at work most of the day. I got off, picked up my food at the food bank, went to Taco Bell and sat inside and ate and left feeling pretty good. Life goes on. You know very well that you are going to have many shitty days. But you also know you are going to have days that aren’t that bad. I know that’s easy to forget when you’re in the middle of a shitty day.

As George Harrison said:

Try to realise it’s all within yourself
No one else can make you change
And to see you’re really only very small
And life flows on within you and without you


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