Lose of all interest

Is it comment after dignoised with schizoaffective disorder to loose all interest in things I can’t even sit down and watch a whole movie anymore video games bore me now it’s like nothing idk if I’m depressed ik I’m never really happy anymore tho I don’t have problem getting out of bed ether just kind of do nothing tried serching for jobs for awhile tho gave up on that


After my psychotic break I lost interest in pretty much everything. I just lie on my bed doing nothing when I’m not at work.


wellbutrin keeps me off my rear. it takes a lot of discipline to get past sz negative symptoms

it can make you hypomanic though…

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I don’t do much either.
Watch some TV, come on here to this site.
Crash on the couch, do some lite chores around the house.

Lost so many interests including hobbies.

This is typical of negative symptoms and depression.


I can’t even concentrate or read a book. I’m on fb and this site all day. It’s pathetic.


i too have a poor attention span. also a short fuse.

I’m sedated for the most part I don’t get mad.

I have schizoaffective disorder. I know exactly how you feel. I spend most of my day just lying in bed and i get bored of video games as well. I’m currently searching for jobs. It’s nice to know I’m not alone in the world by finding this forums. But I literally have like one friend in the whole world and he’s abroad so I literally live life alone apart from the visits from family.


That will definetely pass like all emotions, depression happiness.
There was i time in my life where i was addicted to psychotic episodes and tried to get it on purpose.
The downside is after you feel bored and loss of interest cause schizophrenia has a huge impact on you. Being drunk is a form of psychosis where you sober up and its over.

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I just want to say I have the same experience with severe boredom and I hope it passes soon.


I’m with y’all…since getting out of the H I just sit on the couch all day, telling myself I’m going to do this and that and then just going in and laying on my bed.

Sounds just like my everyday life.

I have posted some info that is no less extreme than the cure for all cancers, yet it is always banned, be it by YouTube, or by a forum. That was when I realized that if you are a caring person who wishes to help others, then you are doomed if you come up with the best help ever possible.

In turn, you lose interest in just about everything.

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I lay in bed all day talking and visualizing with the voices. Trying to get the annoying female voice away from my husband (she is a stalker and triez to make my life miserable by making it seem like my husband hates me but he really hates her)
I watch YouTube videos to channel and look at facedbook that’s it!

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Unfortunately, it’s fairly common. I wish you luck in finding peace and enjoyment again :cherry_blossom:

I hear ya @OTRA.


Shingles, also known as herpes zoster, as I mentioned before, hit me a second time.

I thought about why it does not occur internally but only on the skin surface. With that being the case, I figured out why this occurs. I then sprayed the itchy red rash with something that a lot of women use on a daily basis. And boom, I woke up this morning with the itchiness and redness all gone.

It only took a couple of days to get rid of it.

I wish I could share the details with others, since it only costs a few pennies to get rid of the herpes zoster, but like I have said, revealing the truth only gets banned.


It’s a suckee situation where you have a social media site where your freedom of speech is so censored that if you tell the truth you only get banned from the forum.
Freedom of speech is dead in the U.S.A.

I will give a clue. They spray seals over the rash and cuts off oxygen supply and also gives it a massive dose of alcohol. The drunk virus soon dies.

The spray contains 70% alcohol.


I know it! I think?! I wanna say it but won’t…:shushing_face:

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I’m the same way

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