good thing it’s winter. I haven’t started garden planning yet. which I usually do in the winter but haven’t gotten around to it. well I’ve been busy doing nothing and not feeling like doing anything. one time I did my garden planning in the hospital. it’s a good place to do it since there is nothing to do in there. anyways hopefully I snap out of this funk before spring. I just ordered me a gardening hat from amazon yesterday.
I think im going to try to grow my salad, grow some peppers, grow some perennial temperate herbs and then im going to try to spruce up my little blue trailer with a groundcover of some kind surrounding it. also I would like to extend my hiking path another 100 foot or so. I was thinking I could try to start a landscape there too, maybe more groundcover im not sure. it would be a lot of work and expense.
I have 8 diseased blue spruces that I need to cut down, there is two issues, first they’re not native, Indiana doesn’t have blue spruce and it’s obviously not native. and second they are casting shade in my vegetable garden.
also I was thinking about maybe trellising up some artic kiwi in the front. they’re little green kiwi that grow without the hair, they are cold hardy down into negative temperatures. so maybe i’ll put those in. it would have to look good though. appreciate the property.
and lastly I never did start my smoke garden last year with herbs you can smoke. probably for the best as it’s bad for the lungs.
o yeah also if I put in the arctic kiwi I will have to figure out a way to mow around them. i’ll probably just buy my fruit from the store for that reason. but then again I need more work to do to keep me busy.
also maybe i’ll put in a horseshoe pit. grandpa liked to throw horseshoes, some people still do but the game has been replaced with cornhole mostly around here.
and also im thinking of building a out house. im superstitious about poo’ing in the sewer, which we have a septic here but in my old house it was sewer. anyways I actually prefer an outhouse if done right. my only worry is that I will get too many spider webs from the trees.
one time I fertilized a garden bed at our old house with human feces. it was in the old neighborhood with the sewer. long story short I didn’t want to go in the sewer because I thought something bad would happen to me if I did. so I went in buckets all winter and tilled it into the garden bed. sure enough those plants took off like crazy come spring.
o and I keep forgetting. I need to do a tea garden. at the moment I have a mint growing outside, some thyme in a raised bed and a lemon verbena growing indoors. I know in the past I’ve researched good plants for tea but I cant remember them all.
mostly its the mints, the verbena, thyme, I’ve heard chives or onion greens are good in a tea but haven’t tried them. also rose hips is recommended but I’ve never grown roses either.
that will be the last thing I do this winter is plot a place for my tea garden. personally my favorite teas are the thyme, and I buy ginger tea from the store. sometimes I like a good mint as well.
Have you grown an inside garden? For Christmas I received a container for one, but we’re debating about keeping it or regifting it. Not sure if we can do it. Any tips?
well I have a few ferns inside. mom is trying to grow a pineapple so she has brought that inside for the winter. and I have a couple lemon verbena’s inside. it’s nothing special, most of my gardening I do outside. all I do is put the plants in windowsills and water them occasionally.
in the future im planning on going with aromatic indoor plants. like rosemary and lavender, not sure what else. the lemon verbena has a nice scent as well. I don’t have any indoor grow lights or anything like that.
it’s still not a passion of mine. im kind of utilizing “the fake it till you make it” approach. some seasons my vegetable garden is really productive, that’s the biggest thing I do. other years my interest wanes and I don’t do much.
now that im just getting my own place im getting into ornamentals as well as my vegetables. before I just had an interest in plants I could get a use out of.
really the nice thing, is it get’s me outside and gives me something to do for a couple hours a day. im basically retired at the moment, so I have a lot of free time.
It’s cool that you’re so into gardening. I understand the fake it til you make it thing. My parents have been planting a container garden the last couple years because the deer kept devouring their garden. The tomatoes grow well but they end up with some kind of rot on them. My dad e-mailed the place that sells the grow boxes and asked them about it. He uses everything they say to use but it still happens. I guess we’ll see what happens this year.