Not doing well

My therapist said to go to the ER if things don’t improve by Friday. I really don’t want that to happen. But my mood is all over the place. I felt on top of the world, earlier. I went to the park and the coffee shop. I was planning to continue walking around downtown, by myself. I felt so alive and ready to do anything!

But I’m home, instead, and I have switch to crying. I have been crying just now. I feel horrible. I feel like trash.

I tend to have mixed manic episodes, when they do happen. I don’t know why I’m posting this… I don’t think anyone can help me. I just needed to vent.


It’s ok. Try to hang in there. In my case my pdoc put me on an antidepressant. Have you talked to a pdoc?

Hi, Blue. I did message my pdoc. She wants me to check my lithium level (blood work) tomorrow. I take Lithium Carbonate.


Glad to hear it. I don’t know anything about Lithium though. Thankfully you are going to get checked out.

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Thanks, Blue. I appreciate your compassion.

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I might need to go to the ER, tonight. I’ve been hallucinating a lot, today, and I’m hearing hidden messages in music. I am sobbing, off and on… I really don’t feel well… I’m trying to get through… Maybe I can make it to tomorrow.


Sounds like getting checked out is a good idea.

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Sorry that you are having a hard time OcelotKitty. I hope your mood improves soon.

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Sorry you’re not feeling well @Blossom Wish there was a way we could help. Do you have any good coping mechanisms? Music? Aromatherapy? Meditation? Maybe going to the ER isn’t a bad idea, if your favorite coping methods don’t work. Get well soon!

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My mood is usually flattened into a pancake by the previous night’s Zyprexa. I guess try to avoid caffeine until you get a better hold on yourself. I hope things get better soon, best wishes.

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I get mixed episodes all the time.
Maybe you should get your medications adjusted.
Have you contacted your doctor yet?

Going to the ER might not be a bad idea @Blossom

Hang in there.

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I’m sorry that you are not feeling well. Hang in there :heart:

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I’m sorry. It does sound like you need to be assessed and helped. Don’t feel bad for seeking treatment

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Sorry your not feeling well. I wish you the best. :koala::koala::koala:

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Hey, @Wave. Thanks for the reply. :purple_heart: I did message my pdoc. I made it through the night. And today (this morning), I’m going to go get my lithium blood level checked, since my pdoc sent a lab order in. It’s a start.


Hope you’re feeling better. Hate to state the obvious but avoiding coffee and sugar helps me even out. And eating slow digesting complex carbs like pasta. Sorry I can’t be of more help it’s all I can think of 🪙

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Hey I am a recovered Schizo but I still get episodes from now and then. You just have to find a way to tell yourself that it will go over after time, psychoses usually end after a period of time, or in my case that was. I only hope you get better, no one should feel like trash.

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