Not as weird after sleeping

I slept maybe three hours last night, then slept this afternoon. I don’t seem as weird now that I slept. It’s the only problem I have had with Abilify - not sleeping well.


I sleep extremely well on Abilify. Too well…I need to get up and exercise more. The only thing I’ve noticed with Abilify and sleep lately is I tend to drool on my pillow. :shushing_face:


Thanks Bowens 15

Sleep always heals my mind. Wish i could do more of it. Ive committed the cardinal sin. I have eliminated my night time meds because it slows down my metabolism and ive put on 50 pounds. Therefore im only sleeping a maximum of 4 hours at night. Getting squirrely. I do power nap every so often. Sometimes my day meds knock me out, sometimes i feel no effect. Go figure.
Sleep is mandatory for me to be able go from total psychosis to rational thinking. Id never pull through without sleep.

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On the Abilify I’ve lost some weight. My anxiety and mood swings are gone. Also my blood sugar has come down to near normal from what it was on Zyprexa. I came down with diabetes on it. I not as sedated on Abilify too. I’ve been taking my meds in the morning since I developed sleep problems.

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i feel better after having good sleep too. Sleep is important


Thanks lekkerhondje.

My AP causes me to sleep 10 to 12 hours a night.

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I did too back when I was on Zyprexa and alternatively Risperdal. Abilify is causing sleep issues with me.

Yes I take Risperdal.

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